Africa remains to be among the places in the world which present the entire ecology. The typical integrate between the Natural world and human, whose development for many ways have been so frangible to the co-exist ecology. My mind has been always working to understand this complex better. Reinforced me to try to find the path on the less traveled road; living with full awareness and consciousness of our every action towards our earth. This kind of unaware is a result of the crucial human challenge. Global warming is a higher manifestation of our moment.
The un-industrialized region of the southern hemisphere particular Africa is not out of the system. The rain forest of the west and tropical helped a lot to clean the polluted sky. But the degradation rate of these remains natural saviors is shocking. There are efforts from the international leave to the local government but still no significant changes yet. The hardship in may part of the continent, lark of aware its among of the contributions of negativity towards the natural world around us. Very much in Africa as we act against our natural world as much as we walk ourselves necked into a burning fire. We must work more ever hard to protect our natural world, know and understand it better.
Being un-industrialized but with equal demands, the African community needs back up. Tourism has to be crucial back since colonial times. Thousands and thousands of tourists visit the continent in search of recreation, adventure, knowledge, reconnection, therapy, etc. These helped the natural world around to have its means of existence. Although this has been mostly in the level of government which inherited the management form colonials government who first had a glimpse of the future of the natural world. This kind of system lets the general community out of system. The recent trends "Eco-tourism" and "Reduce footprint" seem to be the alternatives. There is a call to the travelers including tourists to be more "Responsible". Tourism will envolve not only to seek the connection to the natural world but event to our very self. The unique relation of the natural world with us is often hidden into culture and customs. We always evolve with them now we need to integrate them into our conservation practice, tourism and touristic practise.
In the recent days after finishing my cycling visibility study in about twelve African countries ( In Arusha town, the main destination for the travelers within East Africa, I resume my daily routine. Among my daily routine is to visit the fast urbanized town outskirts. I was amazed in most of the places I have visited in 2008 which were the home of the remain flora and fauna, the remainder of the natural world representing the ecological bound. Most of the place has been replaced with infrastructure such as living houses. I know this may sound like resistance towards development but that is not what I intend to say here. I know the need for infrastructure so I would like the public to be aware of our development and our actions.
In the area such as slops of Mt. Meru (4600m) the home of the valuable flora and fauna but the human activities such as un-planned tree cutting are genocide against the natural world.
The grown number of the people visiting these areas will possibly ending give the value to the forgettable natural world in these Arusha town outskirts and others as well.
It is by familiarizing ourselves with nature we get to understand ourselves better as well as the natural phenomena and dynamics around us. My sole concern is with such a growing understanding of nature human won't just only continue to course harm to the very environment host him but very much to himself.